From: curious guy <>
Subject: Jpeg file size and picture quality
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 20:49:20 UTC
Date: Mon, 04 May 2009 13:49:16 -0700
I wanted to email someone a picture that was 467,007 bytes. I thought
that was too big so I experimented with resizing it with PhotoImpact
4.2. I discovered that if I just loaded it and re-saved it without
reducing the size, it went from 467,007 bytes to 37,341 bytes. I have
PhotoImpact set to use "Best" generation quality.
When I look at the pictures, I can not see any difference until I zoom
way in. Why is there such a huge difference in file sizes
(12.50654776 times)?
I will post the two versions of the picture so that you can see how
they look.