"Bob (not my real pseudonym)" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in
>>"The final Marauder variant was the XB-26H. It was actually a
>>TB-26G-25-MA (44-68221) that had its original tricycle landing gear
>>replaced by a set of tandem mainwheels that retracted into the
>>fuselage. In addition, a set of outrigger legs were added for lateral
>>balance. The fuselage had to be externally stiffened to take the
>>additional landing loads of this tandem undercarriage.
>>"The XB-26H was known colloquially as the "Middle River Stump Jumper"
>>and was part of a experimental project to test the installation of the
>>landing gear proposed for the Boeing XB-47 Stratojet and Martin XB-48
>>bombers, which were then on the drawing boards. Flight tests were
>>carried out in May/June of 1945 at the Martin field.
> Not finding it after a bit of searching, but recall seeing footage of
> this aircraft during taxi testing, including high speed turning.
> Impressive...
at 48:00- 50:30 time mark