On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:31:14 +0000, Charles Lindbergh
<spirit@stlouis.invalid> wrote:
>On Mon, 14 Mar 2016 20:45:54 -0500, john szalay <john.szalayatatt.net> wrote:
>>"Byker" <byker@do~rag.net> wrote in news:3u-dnWPJKcQksHrLnZ2dnUU7-
>>> Gif is too big to post: http://i.imgur.com/hbhAAAL.gifv
>>couple of the the trucks in question
>Testing the new electromagnetic cats on the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford.
>It was discovered the EM cats are so powerful they put too much stress on the external fuel tanks carried by
>numerous aircraft. Supposedly this is being resolved with a software modification.
>Amazing the EM cats could be more powerful than the steam cats.
When you have a nuclear reactor generating power, you can convince an
F-18 it doesn't need those fuel tanks...