Everlasting Piece 2000.nfo
An Everlasting Piece 2000 Dvdrip Xvid-Faye
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for all languages from the DVD (English).
begin to work together, one Catholic and one Protestant, they must
constantly fend off barbs from others of both sides. Choosing rather
to focus on making a living, our lads find themselves placed in the
awkward position of spokes models for a cause. The tensions of
war-torn Belfast are handled delicately and sympathetically. And by
depicting the tough lot of the British soldier, usually young and
inexperienced, the film displays uncommon depth.
An Everlasting Piece (2000)
1 CD, 694MB
DVDripped to AVI - NO Qpel, Standalone support enabled: ESS.
23.976 fps, 608*352 (16:9), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4,Audio CBR,MP3.
[as reported by http://avicodec.duby.info/ ]
Source: DVD-NTSC
The zip file contains a screenshot of the DVD menu.
This has been personally ripped/encoded/posted by myself (Faye).
I'm only one person as opposed to a website team cranking stuff out.
1. Fills Policy.........: Ask for them nicely. I do fills when I have time
2. I post Par2s along with the Rars. If that is not enough,
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For example:
Usenet-News - several GB prices - http://usenet-news.net
NewsFusion - pay as you go - $6.00 and up - http://www.newsfusion.net/
Octanews - one time &7.95 and up - http://www.octanews.com/pricing/
AstraWeb - one time $10 for 25GB - http://www.news.astraweb.com/index.html
FlashNewsGroups - https://www.flashnewsgroups.com/
BuzzardNews - http://www.buzzardnews.com
I check my posts as they upload. If I see an incomplete I backfill right
away. I could be backfilling at the same time as you're retrieving headers.
Please double check before requesting.
You'll find a whole lot of useful info here:
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