Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.pantyhose
Subject: Re: Here is the first video READ ME
From: Mad Dog Mike <>
References: <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <XnsA32F85F9421D3slowconnection45kers@>
User-Agent: Xnews/2006.08.24
Date: 16 May 2014 21:10:13 GMT
Lines: 26
X-Trace: DXC=:7E57baTkgLI]J2Y9=AF]JL?0kYOcDh@J^Jd;;iQCc=@el::[kgGj3Bl9B_G1R=S=GCDI@=PABRNNM6VcE?ZhK9CIRHlZ9BPJRK_nGnf65\?SEl@gV8R1F;lL
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Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.pantyhose:14
PH FANatic <> wrote in news:noone-
> Boy, I sure didn't get many comments from my original post.
> this be worth my time and trouble? I sure hope so. I borrowed an
old VHS
> VCR from a friend to do this. Not even a name brand, but at
least I can
> get your input.
> This is the first of four clips from this tape. It wasn't
> with a name, but I recognize her as Tina. She worked for Doc at
> It-smells. I always thought she was a cutie. Wonder what she
looks like
> now. It is a pretty tame clip.
> Please let me know how this worked, so I can make any needed
> adjustments, etc. Keep in mind, these are old VHS tapes and the
> isn't what it is today. Cheers.
Your efforts are noted with this person. I like that you say in
the subject line that there are men in PH clips. My favs are the
women in tan PH. Keep it up. Hopefully my news server won't crap
on these.