Newsgroups: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices
Subject: A link - File 1 of 1 - yEnc "Info.txt" 645 bytes (1/1)
From: snowy <>
Organization: Your Company
Message-ID: <Xns9D50A0A54B668snowyweathernet@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 04 Apr 2010 19:47:37 GMT
Lines: 9
X-Trace: DXC=>hF88akURBAWe7Bc]TQV_NL?0kYOcDh@J_d>jF6@cXiEeK?^I1U`W_GF401c[KV>>M\fo2KLaG1CEhLMQWHbURAL
Xref: alt.binaries.multimedia.classical.treblevoices:1387
I guess that technically speaking, this is not a link.
But it's the best I can do and hopefully it should enable the curious to access a Youtube site (or channel?).
There you will find 26 video clips (as of the time of this message).
It gives a good idea of the kind of music provided by the PCMR at St. Joseph's Oratory, a kind of music that is certainly not heard in too many churches any more.
I would expect that within hours the poster will hopefully add videos from today's Easter Sunday mass. I think that there could be up to six more clips.
I hope some like it.