NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2018 16:01:12 -0600
From: "Dave" <>
Subject: ATTN: Joshua Katt - Thanks for the Sour Shoes Flood - Gonna listen
to it till Noine in the morning! lol
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.howard-stern
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 22:58:01 -0800
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...till Noine in the morning! :O) I wish I had it on vinyl. lol
Yeah, I was just thinking of Sour. Maybe I saw a picture of him on my latest YouTube binge. YouTube is like my television these days. Watching little podcasts... Could be about recording music. Or people talking about anything.
A while ago, I was into real(!) Star Wars geeks, being pissed at The Last Jedi. They would have to know the Star Wars universe like a scripture, maybe even have read the Star Wars books too (who does that?! lol). Otherwise it's not funny. - Some guy being crushed, cause Luke Skywalker's light saber had the wrong color. - So geeky-stupid: I love it!
I haven't seen the new Star Wars movies. I just don't care. The one that really matters is EMPIRE! a part of the original trilogy. - I think there is a good chance for the original trilogy, getting re-released as a 4K Blu-Ray. The theatrical version!!! Not the CGI-altered BS by drunk George Lucas. - Why would Disney do that? Cause it creates a buzz again. The worse the new Star Wars movies are doing, the more desperate Disney will be, for any straw or buzz.
What does that have to do with anything? It's about all of entertainment going down the toilet. Either by being politically correct, self-righteous, or simply untalented and uninspiring. - I was watching the Grammy Awards; that wasn't entertainment, it was a ceremon.
It would be the greatest chance for MTV, to set themselves and the Video Music Award, VMA, apart, by presenting the most outrageous and scandalous show ever. On 08-26-2018. But it won't happen. It'll just be more whining and more self pitty.
A good time for some Sour Shoes bits for a change. Sour is funny. He is living in his own world. He can't be commercialized. Not by Howard, let alone by Disney. lol
So, thanks again for the upload. I was thinking, maybe some other people will enjoy this too. Like a request on a radio station. In my whole life, I called a radio station once(!) and got through. It was for a music request (a long time ago). A song, I think, still holds up. Despite being a one-hit-wonder. :) My musical tip:
Babylon Zoo - Spaceman
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