Hello TreeSaver,
Would you please help finding the following books, in any formats. I
tried Mobilism, but couldn't find them:
Alex Zabala - The Incident in Montes Azules (Oct 2014)
Amy Lignor - [Tallent & Lowery 3] The Hero's Companion
Ernest Dempsey - [The Sean Wyatt Series 05] The Norse Directive
Estelle Ryan - [A Genevieve Lenard Connection 06] The Pucelle
Gregg Loomis - [Lang Reilly 05] The Bonaparte Secret
Gregg Loomis - [Lang Reilly 07] The Poison Secret
Gregg Loomis - [Lang Reilly 08] The Nassau Secret
Gregg Loomis - [Jason Peters 02] Hot Ice
Gregg Loomis - [Jason Peters 03] The First Casualty
J. Robert Kennedy - [James Acton 09] Pompeii's Ghosts
- [James Acton 10] Amazon Burning (new)
- [James Acton 11] The Riddle
- [James Acton 12] Blood Relics
- [Dylan Kane 03] Cold Warriors
James Becker - Knights of Lord (New)
Jerry L. Harber - [A Stephen Saint Gabriel Adventure 04] Saint
Gabriel's Apocalypse
Joanne F. Penn - [ARKANE 06] Gates of Hell
Joanne F. Penn - [ARKANE 07] One Day in New York
Simon Rosser - Cataclysm of the Ancients
Thank you so very much TreeSaver. You are the greatest.