On 2014-12-05 16:26:32 -0500, Dave U. Random said:
> In article <XnsA3F8DD0438414England.England.com@>
> Boyd <England@England.com> wrote:
>> Hi Group,
>> Would someone please let me know how these posts work
>> so I may start using your input,
> In the aggregate they contain vital information. It's too sensitive
> to divulge right here though. Let's just say that if you follow
> through on them you'll be very glad that you did.
>> Do I have to download all of them?
> Yes, you MUST download every one of them in order to be able to
> access the information they contain. And you'll need to find the
> Usenet index posts in other news grops too, because they aren't all
> in this one group.
> Good luck, and don't listen to any losers who tell you anything
> different about them, some twisted, selfish people just want to
> keep all of the benefits of the Usenet index posts for themselves.
funny but cruel.