On 1/20/2016 8:28 PM, mike@mymail.net wrote:
> A premium news server such as newserver.com still has most of the
> rockhound posts and all of them back to about 2008. It takes awhile to
> download all the headers with a client like Forte Agent and the
> newsrover search is not that good not going back too far.
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2016 04:57:44 -0500, Leatherneck <markrrivet@aol.com>
> wrote:
I had no luck downloading all the headers with Agent. (All versions)
It would hang up and crash. The Newsleecher app works fine and their news
server has good retention. Their search engine will reach back to 2008.
I suspect Newsleecher uses Giganews for their server.
It strikes me as odd that it's mostly Rockhound's posts that show up
and very few from anyone else. I've always suspected that Rockhound may
have had some inside connections.