As posted on 22/7/09
As writ --
The attached "null" file is WinRaR Corporate V3.0 executable.
You will need to read the "ReadME.txt" file posted with
Usenet[ABCP]ToolStash.RaR before you do anything.
When you have "ChangeExtension-2-ZIP.null" downloaded
change the file extension from "null" to "zip".
Unpack the zip file to a new folder.
Install using the WinRar executable,
following the prompts, and you have a
working copy of WinRaR.
The file is posted in this way using "null" as
every binary file with "zip" (and many others)
is recorded at this site.
RaR files are not recorded.
There is a very good reason always to use RaR.
Think about it.. do you want _your_ posting details
and your work recorded by this site?
My experience says to me the site is neither safe
nor sensible. YMMV
[see the attached "ReplaerExample.jpg" for more information]