On Mon, 21 May 2012 10:04:56 -0700, Surprise <surprise_nospam@new.com>
>Hi! I have Agent and Giganews.
> Do I have to join the downloads for AG sunflower?
> I recently changed my router and messed up my settings
> in Agent I think.
> I cannot get anything but 0 bytes from downloads like this?
> Other ones give me no trouble.
> I would appreciate someones help.
Yeah, i know what you mean about LoveCorrie's posts. She posts
with NewsRover, which disjoins the segments because there is a post
size xx MBytes in front of yEnc.
You are using Agent 2.0 and I had the same problem with Agent 1.93 in
the past.
I had always understood that disjoined posts were a bug in older
versions of Agent, as
other newsreaders don't have this problem. It turns out that it is
just that the default setting in agent is to show all posts disjoined
unless the posting newsreader includes a parameter to tell agent not
to do this. Here is how you change the Agent default setting to fix
the problem:
First, shut down Agent, then using Notepad, edit the Agent.ini file as
In the [attachment] section of the ini file change:
RequireFilenameWithTag=1 to
which will sort out the problem.
Save the file as Agent.ini
But delete the older fills and repull your headers or repull just the
last 2 days.
The Agent.ini file can be found in Agent/Data
PS You can install Agent more then 1 times with a different name.
In case you don't want to effect your other Agent program.
or try another tool like Grabit just for these problems.