Pixie <Pixie@AnnWheatley.com.invalid>wrote:
>For Goody,
>Take no notice of the lamer ho[o]per.
>He has no idea of anything embroidery related.
Indeed this is true of pretty much anything else it
posts, anywhere.
One of those types who just has to be a "social
nuisance" IT reads up on stuff posted and uses that as
a 'lever' in getting attention.
Sounding IT out one quickly discovers there is no real
substance in anything IT posts.
A quick example is IT's boast IT worked for an
embroidery house AND owned an industrial machine.
[note].. he phucked up on the model numbers
in two separate posts, months apart
These claims, yet It has never posted a single sentence
(in advice to ABCP) that has not been a repetition of
advice posted by someone else -- usually a regular he
has targeted and is now gone :-(
Another is IT's claim IT was an "electrical inspector".
Elsewhere IT states the only electrical experience IT
actually has was gained whilst working for a battery
recycler.. collecting Lead(PB)...!!
Then there are IT's extensive accounts of the medical
conditions IT suffers. All posted by IT and thus ALL
to be taken with a grain of salt :-/
The idiot is just FOS. Period.
The posts (claims) are there.. on Guggle.
Striving to discredit his betters is the only driver IT
owns.. such is the Life IT exists in ;-|
... thanks for your post.
I see we both spent a morning indoors, writing advices
for those asking.
Me, tis plenty enough (contribution)... I am off to the
shops to get some fishing gear for the weekend.
An' not forgetting Lunch with the masses at the
flashest trough (bar) I can enter... in me thongs:-D
Bring it on Oprey... yer in for a HUGE shock..!!
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