"iodtftfoi" <eyeseeyou@eyeseeme.net>wrote:
>> "iodtftfoi" <eyeseeyou@eyeseeme.net>wrote:
>>>Can someone please clarify the installation instructions. I'm obviously
>>>not doing something right.
>> Compare these notes to what you have.
>> IF they are identical I can help you directly.
>> If not the same, post what you do have
>> as a guide. Maybe the instruction can be
>> worked through "on-line"?
>> Do include the version of Windows you are using.
>> cheers
>Hi hopper,
>I tried to follow your instructions and I'm still getting the same results.
>Please help. Thanks. Oh, by the way, I'm running Windows XP. Thank you.
Righto.. best you copy and paste into a post the
instructions which came with the Hus3D files.