On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 11:06:42 -0800, Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden> wrote:
>Your work in simplifying all these overly complex digitization
>requests is much appreciated (probably more by me than than by the OP's)!
>I'd like to make a suggestion - where possible, to figure out what
>font is used, go to new.whatthefont.com with an image (which may need
>manipulation to be accepted) or to www.identifont.com (a question and
>answer site). Logos are usually carefully crafted, with very specific
>font selection. In this case, the fonts used appear to be
> Interstate Bold Condensed
> and
> Interstate Light Condensed
>The differences between the one(s) you used and the originals include
>the bottom point of the M (flat vs. pointed), the overall appearance
>of the smaller text, the shape of the S, etc. Here, I agree that it's
>unlikely that it would make much difference either to the school or to
>the OP. In fact, the heavier small text would probably stitch out
>better, even if not authentic!
> - Herb
Hi Herb,
Thank you for your sincere lesson on font etiquette. But as stated
before, I'm not a font person. I separated the text from the graphics
as what most auto digi peps require. If an eraser stroke disqualifies