"Grammy1" <grammy1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Is anyone familiar with this software? I would like some feedback with
> regards to the pros and cons.
> Thanks
> Grammy
My Toyota 850 commercial machine was locked to this software and could not
be used without it.
I wasn't that impressed with it but not real familiar with it, either. I
used it for last minute minor alterations of needle selection and fonts.
IIRC the fonts were quite incredible, with multi coloured and layered fonts,
and there were alot of them.
I mainly used it for transporting patterns to the machine as it was the only
way to get them there. Other than that I used Wilcom for main design.
Be careful of purchases as there is many different levels, enticing you into
it, for a low price, then extracting the rest of your life svaings to make
it smoother and easier. I wasn't that impressed with it overall but couldn't
throw it out due to the machine being passworded to it. I believe my
experience was version 7??
not Tazhole this time.