Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden>, wrote
>bluerope81@bluerope81.blue wrote:
>> Herb
>> Will you let me know if this works any better
>> Thanks
>Welcome to the world of Agent!
feh.. kickin' and sceamin'.. eh what!
Still .. another newb led in safely is another potential good poster.
None of us (helpers) best forget how this eventuated tho.
Persistence is a key word.
>When trying something new, it's a good idea (and very highly
>suggested/recommended) that you do the testing in alt.binaries.test.
>That way you can look at the results yourself first, in case there's
>something really quirky.
You forget a key bit of info Herb.
"post with one provider, retrieve the test with another".
>In this case, it's been about 30 minutes since the 0/1 was posted, and
>no other parts have appeared (at least on Easynews). One reason might
>be that the attachment simply hasn't arrived yet.
One reason.. and the one that is most unlikely of them all.
>More likely, the .rar file you posted is too large to attach. You have
>to set Agent to automatically break up large posts into smaller
>chunks. When composing your message, after clicking on "attachments"
>click on "Properties" and tell it to break up large messages (check
>the box). Then enter 650000 right next to it. (That's for a 1MB max
>message; enter 350000 for a 500KB max).
or.. 420000 for the magic "debbil number" of lines per article!
>In addition, you could set
>your RAR options to break the file up into more easily repost-able
IIRC .. this step is lost completely on our "I have been posting binary for
years" BR81 xSpurt.
I guess all of us, with one exception, can be thankful your nature is so truly
liberal, Herb... if somewhat of a monocular disposition in respect of a
"debbil down under".. heh
I leave you with this one to "puppy walk".
I am not going near Agent (those versions) for anybody, sorry.
[hands over keys to the "-comfy-touchyfeely-sympathy, trailer"]
y'all quite welcome to use <alt.binaries.vj.tester>
for the honeymoon period. I doubt any thing will disturb you there.
Both EN and GN carry it... last I heard.
Good Luck with that.